Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce can help you apply and receive a Start Up Business Loan. The scheme itself is funded by the Government, and helps Lincolnshire entrepreneurs get access to loans and business mentors.
Start Up Loans is helping to kick start an entire generation of entrepreneurs, encouraging thousands to be their own boss. With a Start Up Loan you’ll not only be given support in the loan application process, but you’ll also be assigned a business mentor who can help you develop your business ideas into a feasible business plan - which will help increase your chances of success.
Once your loan is approved, the Lincolnshire Chamber will find you a mentor to help guide you through the entrepreneurial journey.
What’s the benefit?
Borrow between £5,000 and £10,000 to kick-start your business, and be assured that the repayments will be low and controlled*.
As well as this you will also be given a whole year of one-to-one advice from a business mentor.
Business criteria
To be eligible for this funding, you must be over 18 years old, and a start up business with less than 12 months of trading under your belt.
Get Involved
If you have a question, would like more information, or want to active your Start Up Loan application call the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce on 10522 846930, email Chris.Brown@Lincs-Chamber.co.uk or call the Start Up Loan Business Advisor Carol Braton on 07782 106641.
*Participating in the Start Up Loan programme does not guarantee the funding will be awarded. Applications will be assessed in relation to a number of factors including perceived risk, business viability and individual need. You will be required to pay back the loan within four years at a fixed rate of interest of 6%.
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